A phenomenal French workshop violin bow by the Daber firm in Lyon, gold mounted, made circa 2000.
62 grams, with a full, open tone, and precise handling capabilities.
With Raffin Certificate
About Daber Atelier:
We aim at helping musicians produce the sound they imagine getting the most out of their instruments. We constantly improve the acoustic performances of our bows through permanent research on tone and tone production.
Gilles Saurais, Executive director of JF Daber Lyon
Gilles Saurais, helps performers determine the bow they need. Together with musicians, he reviews the relationship between tone, bows, instruments and posture.
Gilles is also in charge of raw material supply, making sure that we only make use of the very best that is on offer. He is particularly demanding in wood selection, thus guaranteeing our makers to work with material that meets Daber’s requirements with regard to tone and dynamics.
Sylvain Tocquec, Engineer, in charge of Research & Development
vincent tricou bow maker JF Daber Lyon
Sylvain, has developped tools in order to analyse bows both functional and acoustic characteristics. He is in charge of the hybrid bows development.
In order to constantly offer better bows to our customers, as a team, we constantly deepen our knowledge and understanding on bows and their relationship to sound.
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