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Claude Thomassin Violin Bow, Paris, France 1905

A silver mounted round violin bow in near mint condition by famed Parisian maker Claude Thomassin made in 1905 made for and stamped Gustave Bernardel Paris.

59 grams with a predominantly nimble, strong, and deeply projecting incisive tone, along with an easy to play feeling, openly resonant despite being a fine diameter stick, with a resiliently supple feeling that resembles the great 19th century French bowmakers. This example exhibits a dense pernambuco stick graduated to fine gradations by this master maker.

With JF Raffin & Associates certification.

About Claude Auguste Thomassin (1865-1942):

A first class 20th century bow maker that broke away from his family's tradition or saddle making, like his cousin Louis. Claude Thomassin apprenticed with Charles Nicolas Bazin, whose influence was paramount in Mirecourt during the late 19th century, and began working for the firm of Gand & Bernardel in Paris around 1885. Many of his colleagues at the firm were devotees of the Voirin school, and Thomassin's work reflects that influence, though his model shows some evolution. His somewhat rounded ferrules, in particular, become even more rounded through the end of the century. Thomassin stayed with Bernardel until 1901, when the firm was taken over by Caressa & Français and he began to work on his own in conjunction with his work for other makers.

Thomassin's personal bows are branded "C. Thomassin à Paris" in three differing typefaces. He left behind a substantial body of work, some of which is of exquisite quality.

Claude Thomassin Violin Bow, Paris, France 1905

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